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Can God be Trusted? (Why God Allows Pain)


This devotional is part of a DIY water fountain tutorial you can see here: Easy DIY Solar Fountain

I’ve been a Christian for most of my life, but there are times when I still have a hard time trusting God.

But why?  He’s omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent. He’s demonstrated time and time again that He is for me and not against me (Romans 8:31). 

But why did I still struggle with trusting Him?  I came to realize that for me the answer was “pain.”  I was afraid of having to endure emotional or physical pain.

Six months ago, a routine scan revealed a 6cm breast mass.  As the daughter of a cancer survivor, I know all too much about the sizes of tumors and what they mean in turns of treatment plans and survival rates. 

For several weeks, I waited for the biopsy, knowing that there was a decent chance that I could have advanced breast cancer.  That was emotionally painful, but during the two-hour MRI-guided biopsy, I also experienced physical pain.

Fortunately, the mass was not cancerous. But it caused me to question why God allows us to experience pain and suffering.

But God faithfully encouraged me with an example from my rose garden.  A few years ago, I got into the hobby of growing roses and stopped counting when I got to about 70 plants. 

But my least favorite part of rose gardening is when I have to move a plant from one location to another. Roses have different lighting and environmental needs, and you’ll inevitably one day have to move one, roots and all, to an area where it can thrive and get what it needs.   For example, if a rose gets continuously scorched leaves from all-day Texas sun, that’s a good reason to move it to a flower bed with only cooler morning sun.

water fountain in front of deck and umbrella

When it’s time to move a rose, I always feel anxious, to the point that my neck and shoulders tighten.

I absolutely dread transplanting them because I know that there is a huge likelihood I’m going to cause that rose some pain.  Inevitably, I’m going to cut some roots with my shovel and even if I don’t, the shock of moving them can cause a lot of stress until they adapt to their new location. 

But in reality, the change of location was much-needed, and I probably experienced more pain than the rose ever did in the process. 

God feels the same about His children’s pain.  When you go through pain and suffering, God experiences pain right alongside you. As deeply loved children, He grieves having to allow us any amount of discomfort. Therefore, we never experience pain alone.

As much as God doesn’t want us to experience pain, He also loves us too much to leave us in a situation that is less than His best for us.  While it’s true that pain is often involved in transformation, He will never bring us through pain that is not worthwhile.  He wants us to be in a place where we can thrive and truly experience His greatest blessings.

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” – Romans 8:28

Are you in a season of suffering right now?  Do you feel dislodged from your comfort zone?  Know that He does not take your pain lightly and is right beside you.  He loves you more than you can fathom and won’t allow you to undergo a second more of suffering than what is worthwhile.

He doesn’t want you to just survive but He wants you to thrive an experience the fullness of His blessings where you can bloom most for His glory.

diy water fountain

As C.S. Lewis writes: “God’s love—as it is true and deep love—is not content to leave us as we are. He loves us as we are, but love never wants to leave the person as they are. He desires our holiness, for our happiness and his honor.”.

Two days ago, I went back to M.D. Anderson for my 6-month follow up scan and everything is still fine. But even if the scans showed something new, our God is not only good, but He is the source of all good, and therefore, we can trust Him implicitly.

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  1. Thank you. I’m glad I found my way here today, and I just wanted you to know that you’ve reached a person who deeply appreciates the message you’ve shared here. And I pray you experience continued good news regarding all things health related.

    1. I’m so grateful to hear that Claire. Thank you for taking the time to let me know!

  2. Thanks for the article! I just wanted to share that every time I’ve told God, “I can handle anything except ___. Please don’t let ____ ever happen to me,” it’s happened. My ___s were ev erything from breast cancer (Yes, I’ve had it) to becoming a single mom, to losing my job as a single mom and facing financial hardship. God has walked with me each step of the way, and taught me to live (mostly) fearlessly, trusting in his providence and help in getting through each challenge. I worry much less and am able to count on his grace to handle what comes my way, and to count my many, many blessings several times a day and give him the glory.

    1. Wow, thank you so much for sharing that Nedra. He is so trustworthy and we are truly in His care. Thank you for your words of wisdom!

  3. Thank you for that message Karin – May you continue to be blessed by our all mighty god. I truly love reading your emails and you always make me smile! Can’t wait until I finally find a home in this market so that I can put some of your awesome d.y.i.’s tips to work. I have so missed doing projects since selling our home this past January.
    I am so happy that you are ok and will be praying for you sweet Karin. God bless : )

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words Sue. I really appreciate it! Praying you find the perfect home soon. The housing market is tough right now but the right house for you is around the corner. Thank you again for your comment!

  4. Michele Chandler says:

    Thanks for that message. Powerful!

  5. SusieQ Schlecht says:

    Dearest Karin, I loved your lesson that you put in your newsletter on pain and trusting God.
    Very, very glad that things turned out so well for you. And you worked things out with Him.
    Do you have any lessons about living with pain? I have arthritis and some days…I can’t find the light, let alone understand the whys of all this pain. Do you have anything that can help me to carry this situation? I feel lost.
    Thank you for your time.
    Susie Q

    1. Hi Susie, I’m so very sorry to hear you are living with pain. I had an issue for a few years and it was so hard. For me, I would get overwhelmed with pain and that would make me anxious and then anxiety would make the pain worse. So, then it was an endless cycle. Keep seeing doctors and advocate for yourself. Even if they have treatments to lessen the pain, thats a huge win. Once you get the pain to a level where you can think clearly, I felt like I could more easily move forward and wasn’t as “stuck.” The book Try Softer by Aundi Kolber is not about pain but it’s about being kind to myself in the midst of hardship and that was helpful for me. I hope this is of some help an I am praying for you Susie!

  6. Terri Anderson says:

    Karin, thank you for sharing the intimate and very real struggles and outcomes from your life. If this makes sense, it’s encouraging to understand I’m not the only one who struggles. A few years ago I read the book, “Where is God when it Hurts?” Under no circumstances do I ever want to experience pain at any level, but when finishing the book I had a different perspective and saw it as a gift (of sorts). Though I can still be a crybaby, sometimes I can actually thank Him for the pain… sometimes.
    But in the midst of life’s journey this truth I know… God always loves me and He is always good!!

    1. Thats so true Terri. Thank you for your words of wisdom. You are DEFINITELY not alone. I often forget that no one really has it all together and if they say they do, they are about to have a rude awakening. And I think that’s ok. God wants us in a place where we feel vulnerable and need Him.

  7. Linda Cullen says:

    That was a nice & deep understanding of God’s love! Thank you Karin Peters for always lifting up people’s hopes in life! Your devotions are enjoyable to read! I’m so very happy that you do not have breast cancer! That’s a terrible & dirty word! I lost my brother to cancer 2 years ago – so very sad for me!

    Again, thank you for your great DYI ideas and your Devotionals! Stay healthy!

    1. You are so very welcome Linda! God is so faithful to give me ideas for devotionals and I think I need them more than anyone else. Thank you for your kind words of encouragement and I hope you have a great day.

  8. Thank you for your encouraging words and I praise God that you are alright!

  9. Sue Mercurio says:

    Thank you, Karen – so much! I have been a Christian most of my life, as well, but I had never heard about enduring pain put quite that way before. This has really resonated with me, as I am also going through some things right now, & I know that change in my life is desperately needed. Your words have given me not only some clarity and understanding, but also some courage to move forward with what I know I need to do. I also enjoy all of your DIY ideas! They give me something to look forward to once I’m no longer working full time. Blessings, Sue

    1. Hey Sue, I’m really sorry to hear you are going through some struggles. I’m so glad that God spoke to you through this post and I pray for continual clarity on hard decisions and relief from this time of hardship.

  10. So a couple of things. First off, I highly recommend the book, “Good Energy” by Casey Means. The info they give you in there for your overall health is amazing! Second, one thing i’ve noticed with my friends that have gotten mammograms is that six months later, doing a self exam they find a lump. I think there is something about all that radiation in one spot. They know an ultrasound actually shows more than a mammogram, but insurance won’t cover the ultrasound. I understand your health scare but be careful doing too many mammograms. Also, isn’t God wonderful as you might have had a non-cancerous lump but he gives you a wake up call to keep an eye out, look at things differently, and to use this opportunity to have you really lean into Him. Keep up the good blogging works. 🙂

    1. Hey Carrie, Thank you for your advice. They have me doing a yearly mammogram and a year MRI 6 months apart and it makes me feel better I’m still doing a mammogram once a year for the reason you mentioned. And yes, what a gift it is as a wake-up call that caused me to get information and a prevention plan that I would not have had without the scare. Thank you for your words of wisdom and I will definitely check out “Good Energy.”

  11. Gainor Hillegass says:

    Your writing on pain and trust was perfect for me today. I am a complex chronic pain patient with multiple issues that outright sit me down for hours a day to rest. It is in these times that God is revealing Himself and His will for me. I actually thank Him for the opportunity to grow more deeply into His presence and plan for me. I offer my cross along with His for souls and sinners, myself included. The anxiety abates and I rise feeling a bit better. I am paring down my possessions in anticipation that soon I will have to go into assisted living. Just paid the 20 year mortgage off on this mobile last week, so I hope to get it in good enough repair to sell at a decent price to pay for assisted living. I know our God of surprises will deliver what He thinks I need, so more trust needed for health and strength to do this, and for the funds to pay for it. I know the improvements will yield a higher return at point of sale. He may call me home today and leave all this for my children to do, but I pray He spares them that! Keep the encouragement up. It is your special gift to share! God bless you!

    1. “God of surprises”. Isn’t that the truth!? Thank you so much for your encouraging words. It was helpful for me to see your view on pain as an opportunity for surrender and growth. It can be so hard when in pain to not allow anxiety to squeeze out thoughts of Him and His providence. Praying for you and for God to keep using you as He has already used your words of wisdom to spur me on. Keep me posted as you have prayer requests Gainor. karin@renovatedfaith.com

  12. Kathy Peters says:

    That was beautifully worded and so very true! Thank you for being vulnerable and sharing your heart!

  13. Trying my best to trust God with some decisions that just aren’t crystal clear to me right now. Thank you for reminding me that closed doors are sometimes answered prayers.

    1. You are so right about that. As I look back, I’m so very thankful for some of the doors He has closed even though I was kicking and screaming the whole way. Thank you for commenting Nikki and I’m praying for you to have clarity in the decisions before you.

  14. Erin Stansbury says:

    Thankyou for sharing! Glad you are ok and could see His Hand at work in the situation.

    1. Thank you so much Erin. I so appreciate that and it’s good to hear from you.

  15. Louise Rex says:

    Thank you for the encouraging word. May God bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face sine on you and be gracious to you . . . all the days of your life. Louise

    1. I’m humbled by your kind words Louise. Thank you so much for taking the time to comment and for blessing me. Praying you will be abundantly blessed as well!

  16. Laura Bracklein says:

    Beautifully said. I needed to hear that this morning.