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God’s Grace for Perfectionists

This devotional is part of a post on painting cabinets in shades of blue and gray.

When I was a little girl, I always dreamed of being a CEO of a big corporation.  I’m not sure why but I always had this vision of seeing the backs of my high heels walking down a meeting room with a long table and then taking my seat at the head. 

Today I am CEO of my one-woman blog and I wouldn’t have it any other way.  But I think even as an adult I picture myself having a plateau of success that I have yet to achieve.

The voice in the back of my head says things like…

“When I have my social media plan figured out, then I’ll really be a serious blogger.”

“When I lose a few pounds, then I’ll finally be happy with my appearance.”

“Once I can write posts as fast as she can, then I will be ‘doing it right.'”

All of these statements assume that what I’m doing now doesn’t count…that I’m not really living life until I “have it all together”.

But can let you in on a little secret?

“Having it together”  doesn’t really exist.  Perfection is a mirage that keeps disappearing into the distance every time you take a new step toward it.

In reality, no one has it all together and no one is “killing it“.  We are all struggling in some way or another.  No one has it all figured out. 

As a recovering perfectionist, I’m learning that perfection doesn’t exist apart from Christ.  And “living up to your fullest potential” doesn’t exist apart from surrendering our lives to Him.  We don’t have to be perfect because He already is.

I too often forget that God is less concerned about me “having it all together”.  Instead, he’s more concerned about our relationship as He wants me to rely on Him.  He wants me to give Him my burdens – each and everyone, no matter how small.

He wants me to live a life where I trust Him with the outcomes even if the journey is a little messy. 

painting kitchen cabinets igtv cover

Our role is to abide in Christ so He can live through us.  Only through relying on his strength and power, can we “have it together.”

I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”  – Galatians 2:20

Because of Christ bearing the ultimate burden on the cross – we have the freedom to live lives where we cast all our burdens on Him.  As a Christian, you are not designed to “have it all together”.  But you are designed to rely on the only one who does.

NO ONE has it all together.

Each of us is growing.  All of us are in process as we are being transformed to be more and more like Him. 

Today you have a choice, my friend.  You can either strive to be the perfect version of yourself (which doesn’t really exist) or you can lean hard into your Creator, relying on Him to live His life through you.

Stop waiting until you become that perfect version of yourself to really live life.  Instead, enjoy the abundant life God longs to help you experience in Him.

“I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” John 10:10b

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  1. Yes, needs to hear that. Thanks

  2. Kathy Ramirez says:

    Thank you for this message! I am passing these great words of wisdom on to others.

  3. Marybeth K says:

    It was a long time ago now, but the music leader- the most anointed sister I ever knew- had to be absent from our rather large prayer meeting and I was next in line to take over. I was sick at the thought of it, making Jesus look bad, squelching the anointing, on and on. I was a self taught guitar player. As I was driving to the meeting, I had the radio on a local station but was praying for help. Suddenly the refrain of the familiar song seemed to be louder than the noise in my head, and the words of the the refrain:
    “ You don’t have to be star, baby, to be in my show!” It was a Paul McCartney song. To this day, I know God was delivering me from fear, and I had great fun worshipping Him at the prayer meeting! Every time I fail at something, I remember Him singing that song to me!

    1. That’s an amazing story Marybeth. What a great message from Him just for you! Thank you so much for sharing that with me!

  4. Pat Baker says:

    Thanks! I needed this!

  5. Thank you for the wise words so gently spoken today. It is exactly what I needed to hear in the midst of getting ready for another really packed school year.