How God Wants to Change Your Life for the Better {Secretary Desk Reveal}

When I saw this antique secretary, something about it seemed familiar. The broken hinges, deep scratches, rough surface, and outdated stain meant it would be destined for the trash heap unless it could be re-purposed and transformed.
Then, I realized what we had in common… This desk had as much chance of making itself new again as I once did…
It can’t sand itself, it can’t fill its holes or fix its own hinges. It can’t cover over its stains and give itself a fresh new finish.
In the same way, we are each a sad, broken piece of furniture destined for bulk trash until Christ restores us and gives us new life.
He alone transforms us.
This transformation is purely unattainable on our own but only through the gift and sacrifice of Christ.
Only through Christ’s sacrifice on the cross can we enjoy the opportunity to be whole and have a new purpose.
But our transformation has a cost…
God’s Role in Changing You
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This Easter, as I reflect on Passover week, I can’t help but wonder what Christ must have felt riding in on a donkey into the city gates of Jerusalem. Once He passed through the entrance, He knew there was no turning back.
He knew this donkey ride was a one-way ticket to the cross.
But he rides in, knowing it wasn’t a hasty trip. It was purposed from the beginning of time.
As Max Lucado says in The Final Week of Jesus, “Even the angels are silent. They know this is no ordinary walk. They know this is no ordinary week. For hinged on this week is the door of eternity.”
This trip was necessary from the moment the Garden of Eden echoed with the bite of the apple. He came to earth to take us home.
When I look at this secretary, I realize we share a similar story. This picture is my destiny apart from Christ. No good in my life comes apart from Him and His work on Calvary.
But despite our sad, broken state, He still rides in. He rode into the gates of Jerusalem with (your name here) on his heart and mind.
When we come to follow Christ, He sets our path on a new course that always is directed to true North.
Our soul is no longer blown and tossed by the wind but has the ability and freedom to follow the One who made it.
(If you are unsure if you have a relationship with Christ you can read more HERE or please don’t hesitate to message me HERE and I’ll answer any questions you have).
But God changes us from the inside out. Throughout our lives here on earth, He transforms us at the very core of who we are.
Your Role in God Changing You
Changes only come through God, but we have a vital role in the process. Our job is to surrender to Him daily.
Transformation happens on the other side of surrender.
Yes, God does the transforming, but our role is to grow our relationship with Him by reading His Word, spending time in prayer, and seeking His Will.
God wants to do amazing work in and through you, but your role is to make yourself available and willing to respond.
For God to blow your boat in the direction of His Will, it helps to have your sails up.
I see this in my life daily. For example, I notice I fear change and trying new things. The thoughts that go through my mind are “What if I screw up this blog post? What if it’s not good enough? What if I can’t master this furniture technique?”
I’ve realized lately that this struggle with dread and apprehension is actually a lack of trust. Those questions are like a gauge that show me I’m relying too much on my own efforts, not allowing Him to be the wind in my sails.
Because in all honestly, when I push those thoughts out of my mind and remember He is the only one I have to please, it all comes together.
I still have to work hard but I can see Him using me and working in me. When I surrender to Him, the results are always better and I have much more peace of mind.
God does not want you to try harder. He wants you to trust Him deeper. Stop trying and start trusting. You will be amazed at the work He does through you.
Yet you, Lord, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand. Isaiah 64:8
My prayer is that you will lean into God hard this week to realize His great love for you. Change can be scary but know that God’s transformation is always for the better.
When you surrender some aspect of your life to Him, He will never leave you empty handed.
If He asks you to put something down, it’s because He wants to hand you something much greater.
Did you like this post? Be sure to share it with others. Have a wonderful week!
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Karin Peters is a DIY expert and the creator of Renovated Faith. She is a furniture painter, a home design consultant, and a tenacious problem solver determined to help you transform your house into a home. With 17 years of experience with DIY home improvement, she researches and analyses professional processes to adapt them to be easy and cost-effective for DIYers. She then tests every project and product before it appears on the site in a detailed, step-by-step format. After attending Texas A&M University, she received her Master of Divinity with Biblical Languages at Southwestern Baptist Theology Seminary. Her passions unite in Renovated Faith, which shows readers how to create a home that serves them so they can pursue their God-given purposes. About Renovated Faith | Editorial Policy | Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn
Dear Sweet Karen, I love your web sight and how you share your faith with it! Your message today was AWSOME!! May our Lord and Savior Bless you in all things! Have a wonderful Easter Sunday with your family! And Thank you Again🥰 B. Grawcock
Hi Betty, I’m so humbled by your kind words. May the Lord bless you as well! Have a great weekend.
Your post mean so much to me and are helpful in diy painting vintage pieces and inspire me to reley on God and his word in our changing lives. Thank you and Happy Easter!💐
I’m so very happy to hear that Jeanette. I love that God uses this blog in ways I would have never imagined. Thank you!
Needed and loved this content. I felt the authenticity. Thank you.
Authenticity is something I strive for. Thank you so much for your kind words. God never ceases to amaze me with how He uses this blog.
Beautifully said and so true!
A beautiful post, Karin. I love how you find parallels to God’s work in your work. Always inspiring!
Thank you so much for that Donna. I appreciate you taking the time to comment. God uses this blog in ways I never imagined!
Ro 12: 2 And stop being molded by this system of things, but be transformed by making your mind over, so that you may prove to yourselves the good and acceptable and perfect will of God. (NWT) Yes, God helps us, but we have a choice. Thank you for your articles. Chris
You are very welcome Chris. I love that verse and have not heard it in that translation. So inspiring! Thank you for your kind comment.
Hi Karin
This was a wonderful message in this time of immense struggle for me. Trust is big and I will try to go forward trusting God will walk with me. Love the desk makeover. I have some old furniture pieces and wondering if I can refinish them to be sold. What color is best to paint pieces now for resale? Is the white “thing” over? Thanks so much for your encouraging words. Happy Easter!
Carol – I’m so sorry to hear you are going through a rough time. God is right there holding your hand. As far as furniture colors, you can’t go wrong with white with a faux stained top. Gray/blues are popular and also navy. Let me know if you have any pieces you need advice on, and I’ll give you my two cents. Praying for you Carol!
Thank you for trusting God enough to step out in faith with this message. You may never know who you have touched with this message, and who may come home to our Lord. You have planted a seed. God bless you! And wishing you a most Blessed Easter!
Thank you for your kind words Kathleen. I love that God constantly uses this site in ways I never would have dreamed.
Thank you for the much needed words and reminder of trusting in God not ourselves to fix us! I needed this timely article this morning.
Happy Easter!
Thank you for your kind words Jane. I need this reminder on a regular basis! Hope you had a Happy Easter!
Thank you Karin. I did find this encouraging.
I was so intrigued to read your article, since I have had some of the same thoughts when it comes to restoring furniture and how it parallels to God’s transforming work in our lives! (This is actually what inspired the name and theme of my whole blog, so I feel like we may be kindred spirits! Although you mentioned some things I had not even thought about.) Both the secretary and your writing are beautiful! I can feel your love for Christ in your words. Thank you so much for sharing and being a blessing to others.
I can’t thank you enough for your kind words. So glad to hear you can related to how God sands and refinishes us to make us more like Him – not always easy, but definitely worth the results! I wish you all the best Nicole!